Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 7, 2012: CJS June Ichimoku-kai (IMK)

The Canada-Japan Society's Ichimoku-kai (IMK) returns this Thursday, June 7 for another great evening of cultural exchange, "oishii" Japanese food and drinks, door prizes, and lots of fun!

Ichimoku-kai literally means the "first Thursday meeting" and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society of Toronto's monthly social event, naturally on the first Thursday of every month.  It is a great place to make new friends, practise your English and/or Japanese, informally network, and most of all, have fun!  Our attendees are usually around 50 percent Canadian and 50 percent Japanese, all with a common interest in or connection to Japan.  At IMK you will receive special food and drink discounts, get to talk to lots of interesting people, and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.

Also at IMK this month... this will be the LAST CHANCE to purchase discounted tickets for the CJS and JAVA's screening of the hilarious comedy "MOTEKI" at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre's inaugural Toronto Japanese Film Festival on Friday, June 8. Don't miss out!

We hope to see you there - and come early to ensure a good seat! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Eatery
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the food court)

There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.

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